Electric systems – cabins- energy saving

Electric systems – cabins- energy saving

Industrial and tertiary electrical systems
“Turnkey” video surveillance and remotatation from the project to scheduled maintenance

Energy saving

According to the new CEI 0-21 and CEI 0-16 standards and AEEG’s Resolution 786/16, which establishes the obligation for the active users in both LV and MV with production plants larger than 11.08 KW and for the passive users in MV equipped with “GENERAL PROTECTION SYSTEM” to carry out annual and five-year tests, Chiarini e Ferrari have been working with the eGreen for years.

For more information, please see the website
or contact our company directly.

As a Company member of the EGG Consortium, Chiarini e Ferrari manufactures the systems in the first autonomous shed

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The Company employs highly qualified staff for the provision and maintenance of MV/LV cabins

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